WISE Publishing Enterprises, LLC


“Being a Published Author…

Words cannot describe my feelings and thoughts right now!! First, I must give God all the glory for this! Had it not been for Him on so many levels, this would never have come to pass. I must thank my book coach Dr. Rita for motivating me, pushing me, supporting and encouraging me! WOG, I thank you, and I genuinely appreciate you.

For anybody who has desired an author but hasn’t started for whatever reason please start on today! I was the same way I thought who would want to read about me? What have difficult things I have done or been through that people would want to learn? God gave me confirmation time and time again to put some of my stories out there and do so now! Once I started (which is the hardest part), everything just flowed, and it was not only effortless but exciting! So, for those out there that have a book in them, I encourage you to start not now…but Right Now!

Pastor Benjamin M. Gibson, Sr. “The Sarge”
